VM Services will provide the following selected services to the project management environment.
Project Risk Assessments
Depending on the project the actual Risk Workshop will take 1 to 3 days.
Pre workshop: Setting Baseline Assumptions – Type of Risks – Technical, Schedule, Budget, Agenda etc. 1 Day.
Risk Assessment workshop: Risk described, Cause of risks, impact described, probability & seriousness, mitigations actions and action plan) etc. 2 Days.
Preparation and issue of Risk Assessment report: (Excel Spreadsheet & Word document). 1 Day
Application Methodology: see details under Methodology Applications
Project Hazard Identification
Pre workshop: Setting Baseline Assumptions – Type of Nodes (hazard areas) – Agenda etc. 1 Day.
Hazard Identification workshop: Hazard / Issue described, Cause of hazard, Impact described,
underlying influences, severity of hazard, mitigations actions and action plan) etc. 2 Days.
Preparation and issue of HAZOP report: (Excel Spreadsheet & Word document). 1 Day
Application Methodology: see details under Methodology Applications
Lessons Learned Sessions
Pre workshop: Data gathering, template design & workshop preparation – Agenda etc. 1 Day.
Lessons Learned workshop: As per event areas, list events / issues, root cause and the impact on projects. Lesson Learned and action plans to integrate learning’s with
time frame and responsibility allocation. 1 Days.
Preparation and issue of report: (Excel Spreadsheet & Word document). 1 Day
Application Methodology: Spreadsheet application
Value Improvement Practices (VIP’s) including:
- VIP Planning
- Technology Selection
- Process Simplification
- Customising Standards & Specifications
- Design to Capacity
- Classes of Facility Quality
- Value Engineering
- Constructability Review
- Waste Minimisation
- Energy Optimisation
Initially the team will finalise the Value Planning session that will indicate which of the VIP’s are appropriate for the project.
These VIP session will be 1 to 5 day workshops, depending on the complexity of the project.
Application Methodology: see details under Methodology Applications